Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Some people suffer in silence while others find renewal in it. One of life's great secrets is learning that we are renewed through times of silence.

"My soul waits in silence for God only; From Him is my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken." (Psalm 62:1-2)

Few times in history have been more tumultuous than the times we live in. Apocalyptic warnings, economic crisis, great earthquakes, Middle East political turmoil, and historic Midwest tornadoes have unsettled many, physically and emotionally. As the world seems to be coming apart, so are many people who tie their security to the world's stability. And the people of God are not immune unless they find strength in silence before their Creator.

As the Psalmist states, "My soul waits in silence for God only", I picture the solitary figure of Jesus alone on a mountaintop at night, seeking solace in the silence with His Father. If our Savior saw the priority of prayer and silence before God, how much more should we!

How very difficult times of silence are, however. My mind is so cluttered with the activity of the world that times of silence are a great struggle. My times of silence are largely spent lassoing the wild horses of random thoughts. Precious are the moments when my thoughts are so subdued that I am calm enough to sense the presence of my Father in the room. But how very refreshing these silent moments are! In them, I am physically improved, with lower heartbeat and respiration. But, more importantly, I am emotionally and spiritually healthier because I am fixed on my God, and experiencing peace that surpasses understanding. In those moments, "He only is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken."

I strongly suspect that most believers have little experience with times of silence and solitude. Prayers times are more often than not marked by frenetic and urgent requests for intervention and aide. Our minds, and even bodies, strongly resist such efforts to engage in silence when our frantic schedules demand that we be busy every moment. We cannot comprehend how times of silence can provide true purpose and provide energy for the work that otherwise would not be found.

I am certainly no master of times of silence, but I know that I find renewal and steadiness when I devote myself to such times. Elusive peacefulness is attainable in such times, and the physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits are satisfying beyond description. A sense of intimacy with my Father, as I come into His presence through and with His Son my Savior, is realized in ways otherwise not attainable.

Perhaps you are willing to try an experiment in silence today. If silence before the LORD has not been a habit, then fifteen minutes will seem like an eternity. But, try waiting in silence for fifteen minutes today. The majority of that time will be spent lassoing your random thoughts, but if you succeed, the breakthrough in silence will be worth the effort. And, the renewing silence will provide incentive for extended times in the future - a half hour, forty-five minutes, an hour.

"My soul, waits in silence for God only". May we find the refreshing silence that the Psalmist knew so well.

©Steve Taylor, 2011


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