Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I know a lot more than I know what to do with, and I suspect you do too. That's the dilemma of the Christian life: acquiring knowledge is much easier than putting it in to practice. But, both are essential.

"Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude." (Colossians 2:6-7)

The apostle Paul admonishes his audience to take action; to walk in Christ as they have received Him. But, that admonition is based upon an important premise: they have been firmly rooted in Him, are currently being built up in Him, and established in their faith. Those who are well-grounded and growing are implored to walk; to move forward in living their faith. But, walking one's faith doesn't preclude further learning and grounding. It's not like a graduation commencement exercise, in which one leaves the training school behind and goes forward on their own. In the Christian life, we graduate AND take the training school with us - always. To "walk in Him", and be "built up in Him" are ongoing, present-tense actions.

From the vantage point of my life experience, I've seen two extremes: (1) poorly grounded believers who place a premium on living at the expense of learning, and; (2) cerebral, intellectual believers with a major disconnect between what they know and how they live. Obviously both extremes are dangerous and unproductive. The ideal balance is between being a lifelong learner and a lifelong " walker".

Two phases repeated in Colossians 2:6-7 really strike me: "in Him". Our walking and our grounding must be "in Him." Growth and lifestyle must be intricately linked to relationship with Christ.

So, let's cut to the chase: how personal are things between you and Jesus? Can you truly say that you are walking IN Him, and being built up IN Him? If He and I had a conversation about you right now, what would He say? Would He speak about intimate conversations that you both have had, or would name recognition be a challenge for Him? And, let's reverse it: if the two of you had a conversation about me, what would He say? Challenging questions!

Knowing, growing, and walking are all Christian imperatives, but they must absolutely be focused "in Him." Bible knowledge can become an end in itself, and a humanitarian lifestyle can lack biblical underpinnings.

May we be people with a zeal for lifelong living and learning "in Him."


© 2010, Steve Taylor


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