Monday, November 22, 2010

Why is truth so tough? Maybe it all started with the first sin: our original ancestors were so terrorized by truth that they immediately embarked on a plan of cover up - literally. It seems like cover up and concealment has been the mode of operation ever since.

It's one thing to avoid the truth personally; it's quite another to withhold the benefit of truth from others. Bottom line: we all deserve the truth.

"'These are the things which you should do: speak the truth to one another; judge with truth and judgment for peace in your gates. " (Zechariah 8:16)

Truth is the standard for speech and decisions. Truth - as in honesty - is essential, but truth primarily in focus here is the absolute kind; God's unchanging truth. We are strongly urged - "These are the things you should do" - to make truth an integral part of our speech and decisions.

There is truth that God is apparently trying to impress upon me lately, because I seem to hear the same message from several sources. It seems like wherever I turn I'm hearing a word mentioned that I thought I understood: repent. This word, "repent", is one of those negative truth words that believers, preachers,and teachers seem to shy away from these days . In this age of political correctness, it's the wrong word to banter around because it reflects negatively on others; it suggests that something is wrong, and in need of change. But, the call the repent is a consistent and unchangeable theme in all of the Bible; no one is exempt. And it goes much deeper than we might realize; it's not just regret over sin (although that's certainly an important part of it), it's a call to completely reorient our way of thinking and living.

This truth about repentance is an inconvenient truth, but a truth we must speak to others out of compassion for them. Inconvenient or not, who am I to deprive someone I know of the opportunity to reorient their life around the life-changing truth of the kingdom of God (Mark 1:15)? They are entitled to the privilege of hearing and deciding.

Things God says I "should do" really get my attention. His "should do" list is more imperative than option. So, if I should "speak the truth to one another", then it needs to be the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That doesn't exempt the uncomfortable truth about repentance, that has always been an integral part of the truth of God.

May our motto today be, "caring enough to share all God's truth with all people we love".


© 2010, Steve Taylor


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