Monday, November 15, 2010

How long before there is justice and equality? Will it come about through the next government election? (don't hold your breath) Will social activism bring it to pass?

"Behold, I am going to deal at that time With all your oppressors, I will save the lame And gather the outcast, And I will turn their shame into praise and renown In all the earth." (Zephaniah 3:19)

There is a time coming when all wrongs will be made right, and "that time" is a day of God's choosing. We hope for justice; even pray for it, but it ultimately comes in God's perfect time. And that time has already begun.

Acts three records the exciting miracle of the healing of a lame man by Peter and John, apostles of Jesus. This mighty miracle calls to mind these words from Zephaniah: "I will save the lame". For those with eyes to see and ears to hear, this miracle indicates that God has already begun "that day" in which He will deal with all oppressors. The day has not fully arrived, but it has begun.

Injustice and inequality, to some degree, is the lot of every human being; these are characteristic of this present age. The wealthy rob the poor. The powerful enact legislation to their advantage. The lender determines unfair terms for the desperate borrower. It's all enough to drive the most optimistic person to pessimism. But, the people of God see the rays of light of the New Day driving away the shadows and darkness of this day. The unjust gains of the wicked are far more fleeting than most people realize.

As those who live today with one foot in the coming kingdom, we seek to live according to its standards. Empowered by Holy Spirit, we "do justice and love mercy" (Micah 6:8). We are compelled by the "constitution" of our true government to practice it in a world that lives according to a radically different one. And, as we practice justice and mercy, we remind ourselves of the ultimate vindication to come.

How do we combat injustice and inequality? We battle it with the opposite. But, we don't take up causes for causes' sake; there would be no end. We "do justice" where we see it today as a witness of the true justice to come on that day.

People who live and practice the justice of the coming age are a compelling witness to the downtrodden in this age. May our Father grant us wisdom in how to best exemplify these precious qualities as we live and work today.


© 2010, Steve Taylor


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