Tuesday, November 02, 2010

They are The Big Three, and we're not talking auto makers. They are front and center, top of the list expectations for every person - no exceptions. They apply to every situation, every time, and in every place. They are three absolutes you can go to the bank on. They are God's ultimate to-do list for you and me.

"He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8)

The Big Three expectations are listed in the form of a question; much like the expected responses on a popular television game show. The reason for the question is to call to mind what God has already revealed. "Don't you remember what I told you I expected? Haven't we been down this road before? Is it really all that hard to remember these three essentials?" Perhaps the problem is not remembering, but doing.

Do justice. Don't just wish for it, or hope for it; be an active participant in it. So, does that mean we storm the judicial system, and take captive the courtroom? If so, we're likely destined for entanglement with it, but not in a positive or productive way. No, instead we act out the justice of the age to come in this age. We aid the weak, poor, and oppressed. Ultimately, we bring the justice of the gospel message (Acts 8:12) to all who desperately need it.

Love kindness and mercy. Have a passionate affair with undeserved and unexpected favor for and to all people. Commit random acts of kindness daily. Generously forgive those who maliciously or carelessly wrong you.

Walk humbly with your God. You don't deserve a place at His side, but savor the privilege that the sacrifice of His Son affords you. Stroll through life with your hand in His, and never cease to be amazed that He is there, and involved. When the temptation of pride begins to well up inside, remember your humble origins - dust and dirt, animated by His life-giving breath. The abilities and capabilities that might be a source of pride are His too; all on loan.

Do justice. Love kindness. Walk humbly with your God. That's it, short and sweet. And yet there is a lifetime of discovery and application in these simple words. Life is the laboratory where these principles are put into practice.

Do ... love ... walk; notice how His requirements are concise action steps. These are not concepts left to be philosophically pondered in the classroom; they are to be walked out in the real situations of life - work, school, family, neighborhood, and church.

We've heard it before, and likely we'll hear it again. God HAS TOLD us (past tense) what is good. So why bring it up again? Maybe because He is waiting for action on our part. It's like the preacher who preached the same sermon Sunday after Sunday; he claimed he'd move on to something else once everyone acted upon what he had been saying.

May our world see a kingdom of justice, kindness, and humility through its citizens who live according to these standards.

© 2010, Steve Taylor


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