Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Call it the law of language. We're not talking about proper use of nouns, verbs, and pronouns; it's much bigger than that. Extending beyond structure and form, it centers on purpose, and is best summarized in these words:

"Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear." (Ephesians 4:29)

Gramatically, we can string together the right words and phrases, but spiritually we have done so only when they serve the purpose of upbuilding and edification. In other words, if they don't bless the hearer, the proper structure means very little.

I've strung together words and phrases that didn't even come close to meeting this spiritual criteria. But, as the old saying goes, like arrows spent, they cannot be retrieived. Like an undetected malicious letter bomb, once it is sent, the course of destruction has been determined.

Conversely, it has been tremendously gratifying and uplifting when words written or spoken have been a timely encouragement. These are times of being in step with Holy Spirit, and being obedient to the directive of Ephesians 4:29.

Timely and edifying speech is a discipline that requires effort, like anything worthwhile. But few goals are more noble, or more urgently needed in this negative age. We serve as "ambassadors of grace" through Spirit-directed use of our words.

Both Jesus and the apostle Paul welcomed those who came to them, and spoke of the things concerning the kingdom of God (Luke 9:11; Acts 28:30). Is there anything we have to share that is more edifying and timely than the good news of the kingdom? Reminding others of the hope, joy, peace, and blessings of the age to come surely ranks at the top of the list of appropriate, edifying words!

So, with that I have sought to edify and encourage you with these words today. My prayer in writing each time I sit down to keyboard is that they bless and encourage all who read them. Perhaps that goal has been achieved this day.


© 2010, Steve Taylor


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