Thursday, November 13, 2008

They carried boards for the Lord. And shovels, forks, buckets, and curtains. These were the duties of the Levites, as listed in Numbers 3 and 4. Their tasks seemed menial, but they all contributed to the important work of God's tabernacle, His "portable dwelling place" among the Jewish people.

The work that God calls each of us to may not seem glamorous or glorious, but be assured that it is important. If, like the Levites, we only saw ourselves as carrying boards for the Lord we might not view our work as being very important. But, if we saw the greater purpose of the work, we could declare, "I'm participating in the work of God's holy tabernacle."

In Colossians 3 we read, "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve." ( Colossians 3:23-24 )

Whether our task is handing out bulletins at church on Sundays, mopping floors for a living, building cars on an assembly line, teaching a Sunday School class, or serving on the church board, when seen from its true perspective as working "for the Lord rather than for men" it is a vitally important task.

Burnout occurs when we work hard but see little value in our work. Each of us are capable of working even harder when we see our work as important and fulfilling.

From the perspective of the Kingdom of God, nothing is unimportant. Everything that every believer does is training for one day ruling the world with the coming Christ. Revelation 20:6 reminds us that believers are destined to "reign with Him (Jesus) for a thousand years".

I sometimes think of the multitude of tasks to be done in running a worldwide government. They are likely not so different from that needed today to run a government. There is a direct correlation between what we do now and what Jesus will need in running the government of God on earth. Every task and ability will be needed!

Whatever you do today, remember that it is not a task or a job in and of itself; it serves a far greater purpose. You are employed as a government worker in the Kingdom of God and your task and job is invaluable training for ruling the world in the future.

Keep up the good work, Kingdom government worker!



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