Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A reunion with a relative long considered dead; a son, no less. Few of us can imagine the overwhelming joy as we read these words:

"Joseph prepared his chariot and went up to Goshen to meet his father Israel; as soon as he appeared before him, he fell on his neck and wept on his neck a long time. Then Israel said to Joseph, 'Now let me die, since I have seen your face, that you are still alive.' " (Genesis 46.29-30)

Jacob (Israel) had mourned the loss of his son, Joseph, for many years. Joseph, however, was not only alive, but God had been meticulously working out His plan for His chosen people through the events of his life. At precisely the right moment, this father and son reunion took place.

We never know just how and when God's plans are fully ready to burst on to the scene of our lives. What appears to be a sudden, dramatic breakthrough has been years in the making. And suddenly, that breakthrough changes everything.

The people of God live life expectantly. A relationship considered long dead might be ready to emerge with new life today. An alienated friend or family member has been undergoing the shaping influence of our Father, and is ready today to be reconciled. Or, a burden that has weighed heavily on you for far too long is about to be lifted today, according to His divine plan. His solution and resolution, possibly years in the making, just might be ready to break through into your life today.

The adventure of faith is one of expecting divine breakthroughs that absolutely surprise us with joy, like the reunion of Israel and Joseph. And, these breakthroughs give us a foretaste of the ultimate breakthrough of joy, the coming kingdom, and the return of Jesus. 

May He surprise you today with the joy of a sudden breakthrough, possibly years in the making, according to His plan.

©Steve Taylor, 2013


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