Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October 29, 2013

We'll never discover the right answers if we don't begin by asking the right questions. Problem is, the right questions are rarely asked. 

Consider this key question: "What advantage does man have in all his work Which he does under the sun?" (Ecclesiastes 1.3) The question is well framed against the backdrop of life's routine. "A generation goes and a generation comes, But the earth remains forever. Also, the sun rises and the sun sets; And hastening to its place it rises there again. Blowing toward the south, Then turning toward the north, The wind continues swirling along; And on its circular courses the wind returns. All the rivers flow into the sea, Yet the sea is not full. To the place where the rivers flow, There they flow again." (Ecclesiastes 1.4-7)

There is a seemingly timeless cycle in nature, and we live out our finite lives within that cycle. Generations of people are born, live, and eventually die, and the cycle of nature continues. From all appearances, "That which has been is that which will be, And that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 1.9). So, the pressing, urgent question is, WHAT'S THE POINT? What is the meaning of my limited life? What advantage do I have in what I do, which is little different from what others have done, and future generations will do?

Mindless routine is the enemy of a life of purpose. So many people jump into "the cycle of life", and never carefully consider their lives from an eternal perspective. We go to school, work, raise families, and plan for retirement. We then travel, enjoy a life of leisure, and eventually die. But, do we live life deliberately - investing in evangelism, and discipleship of others? Do we see the value of Christian service, discover our greatest area of effectiveness, and jump in wholeheartedly? Thankfully, my life has been immensely enriched by those who invested in me, and mentored me. But, am I faithful in doing the same? A key question for each of us to ask!

The writer of Ecclesiastes frames his own life against the larger backdrop of life's cycle. That perspective alone leads him to repeatedly conclude that "All is vanity" (i.e., Ecclesiastes 1.1) Such will be our conclusion as well, until we step even further away, and consider the Creator of life's cycle. Only then can we conclude that faithfulness to our Father, and partnership with Him in His work, is all that truly matters.

A wise man challenges us to ask key questions, such as: Why am I doing what I am doing? How can my life have the greatest purpose and impact in the limited time I have as a mortal being? Asking the right questions are key in discovering the right answers.


©Steve Taylor, 2013
Be sure to also visit http://thetruthrevolution.wordpress.com/  

Amazon ebook devotional - http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FQ1Q9GW


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