We've likely all heard the saying, "credit where credit is due". Proper attention for things done is right and good. And yet, there is gross neglect of this in a very important area.
"The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours; The world and all it contains, You have founded them." (Psalm 89.11)
The LORD God alone has created all that exists, including you and I. But, sadly, He has been displaced from His proper position by anti-God thinking and reasoning. It is lamentable that there is a decided mindset against His existence and creative work; in spite of clear evidence:
"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse." (Romans 1.20)
The natural world itself provides ample testimony to the existence and nature of its Creator. Only a fool would deny what is clearly evident.
The singular God of creation bears the name YHWH, or simply, the I AM - the self-existing One. He is absolutely matchless. None compares to His power, majesty, wisdom, and love. He alone rightly deserves full recognition for Who He Is, and what He has done.
The Psalmist says, "I will sing of the lovingkindness of the LORD forever; To all generations I will make known Your faithfulness with my mouth." (Psalm 89 1.1). Credit where credit is due. The Psalmist was determined that his would not be the sin of omission or ingratitude.
I know people who keep a daily "gratitude journal". Simply listing daily five things they are thankful to their Creator for is an excellent exercise. Credit where credit is due.
I thank my God today for the gift of His Son. And for the people of God. For a loving wife and family. For abundant provision. For the privilege of declaring His goodness and greatness to you through this medium. I can immediately see that my list of five could be greatly extended.
Take time to take five today. Within five minutes you can easily list five things you're grateful to your Father for.
May thankfulness this day be the great source of abundant blessings for you, and a renewed connection with the One true God, your Father.
©Steve Taylor, 2012
"The heavens are Yours, the earth also is Yours; The world and all it contains, You have founded them." (Psalm 89.11)
The LORD God alone has created all that exists, including you and I. But, sadly, He has been displaced from His proper position by anti-God thinking and reasoning. It is lamentable that there is a decided mindset against His existence and creative work; in spite of clear evidence:
"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse." (Romans 1.20)
The natural world itself provides ample testimony to the existence and nature of its Creator. Only a fool would deny what is clearly evident.
The singular God of creation bears the name YHWH, or simply, the I AM - the self-existing One. He is absolutely matchless. None compares to His power, majesty, wisdom, and love. He alone rightly deserves full recognition for Who He Is, and what He has done.
The Psalmist says, "I will sing of the lovingkindness of the LORD forever; To all generations I will make known Your faithfulness with my mouth." (Psalm 89 1.1). Credit where credit is due. The Psalmist was determined that his would not be the sin of omission or ingratitude.
I know people who keep a daily "gratitude journal". Simply listing daily five things they are thankful to their Creator for is an excellent exercise. Credit where credit is due.
I thank my God today for the gift of His Son. And for the people of God. For a loving wife and family. For abundant provision. For the privilege of declaring His goodness and greatness to you through this medium. I can immediately see that my list of five could be greatly extended.
Take time to take five today. Within five minutes you can easily list five things you're grateful to your Father for.
May thankfulness this day be the great source of abundant blessings for you, and a renewed connection with the One true God, your Father.
©Steve Taylor, 2012
At 10:43 AM, Keifer H. said…
We can easily use up a lot of "mind time" regretting the past, or, worrying about the future. Being grateful keeps us in the present.
Take time to take five is a powerful tool to keep us centered in the "now," grateful that God forgives us for the past and is in control of the future.
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