Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Future perspectives. Imagine the decisions and choices that could be made based on such insight. Key mistakes could be avoided. Potential opportunities could be seized.

A man renamed Israel, from his deathbed, spoke of the destiny of each of his twelve sons. Recorded in Genesis forty-nine, an especially noteworthy prophecy was that of his son, Judah. He is referred to as a lion (verse 9), and Israel predicted that "The scepter shall not depart from Judah" (verse 10). Something of greatness and authority is associated with Judah, per his father's deathbed prophecy.

Fast forward to a great heavenly scene, revealed in Revelation five. A scroll containing important details of future events is sealed, unable to be opened by any angelic being present. When all have tried and failed, there is One who comes forth to accomplish what others have not. He is introduced as "the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David" Revelation 5:5). He "has overcome so as to open the book and its seven seals."

A man on his deathbed speaks of One to come thousands of years later Who would accomplish that of which he was inspired to predict. And we are privileged to know this "Lion of Judah". He has the full authority - a scepter - predicted by a man named Israel. He has opened and holds an important document detailing important events culminating in His return to earth, and exercising His full, God-given authority.

To know this Lion of Judah is to know His great authority. The One who appeared as a humble, sacrificial servant is currently exalted to the right hand of our Father. He has received full authority, and is actively preparing - and being prepared - to fully exercise it. We are privileged to understand and to be in on the plan. Faith has placed us in His royal family, and faithfulness today prepares us to rule with Him when His day comes. And, it's coming soon; sooner than we likely know.

May the Lion of Judah's power and authority enable us to live for Him today, as we prepare to serve with Him tomorrow.

©Steve Taylor, 2012


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