Monday, April 09, 2012

Here is a conversation starter - and stopper. You can't do better than this great topic. Not everyone is eager to hear about it, but your Father will never grow tired of it being talked about.

"All Your works shall give thanks to You, O LORD, And Your godly ones shall bless You. They shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom And talk of Your power; To make known to the sons of men Your mighty acts And the glory of the majesty of Your kingdom. Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, And Your dominion endures throughout all generations. (Psalm 145:10-13)

We're in good company talking about the kingdom of God. It is not an exaggeration to say that Jesus was obsessed with it. It's the message He began with (Mark 1:14-15). It was the subject of His parables (i.e., Luke 13:18). It was the demonstration of His miracles. It was His last intensive focus before leaving the earthly scene (Acts 1:3).

Vital as to topic of the kingdom of God is, it is far more than a talking point; it is something of immense power and potential (1 Corinthians 4:20).

In the simplest sense the Kingdom of God is the place where God reigns and rules. We might say, "where God is, there the Kingdom is." The Kingdom of God is in our lives so much as we let Him rule there. It will eventually cover the entire earth as water covers the seas when God finishes the work of bringing every enemy and authority under the feet of Jesus as a footstool.

As someone has aptly stated, the kingdom of God is both now and not yet. It exists in hidden form today, as it progresses toward full visible expression at the return of Christ. For today, it is the realm where God displays power and direction in the lives of His people. It is the source of testimony to others that God is actively at work, performing mighty deeds today as in the past.

God's godly ones "shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom". This doesn't sound like an option. Speaking of God's kingdom, power, and works is as natural as breathing air. And it's a subject we'll never exhaust as we talk about it.

Our mission today - and every day - is to seek ways to introduce the kingdom of God into normal conversation. There is no prescribed formula for doing it, so seek your Father's wisdom as to how best to do it. But, above all do it - not because you must, but because you can't refrain from doing so.

©Steve Taylor, 2012


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