Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Conventional wisdom says there is safety in numbers. Be that the case, then there is great risk and danger for a three-hundred-man army.

The story of Gideon's army, recorded in Judges 7, is legendary. God informs Gideon that his army of twenty-two thousand is too large. It is eventually pared down to ten thousand, and ultimately to three hundred. A mere three hundred men will wage war against a formidable foe, and be victorious. Nothing could be more absurd; defeat is almost certain, barring God's miraculous intervention. And that exactly the way God designed it:

"Israel would become boastful, saying, 'My own power has delivered me.'" (Judges 7:2).

The rest, as they say, is history; Gideon and his three-hundred-man army did exactly as God instructed, and an overwhelming victory was won. The battle was won, not by human might, but by Yahweh's direct intervention.

I engage in battle with the smallest of armies. Our local church "army" numbers considerably less than three hundred, and our fellowship of churches is likely less than three hundred congregations. Against a vast superior army of false philosophies and religions, what possible chance of victory is there? We are obviously hopelessly outnumbered. Except that "greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world." (1 John 4:4). As an old saying goes, God plus me makes a majority.

Our primary battle is a battle for truth. Radical militant religions, non-biblical church traditions, and secular religions seem to have the upper hand in the war. Radical, life-changing biblical truth appears to be in retreat in the face of a strong enemy. That's how it appears to be, but what we see is not all there is to see. As God once reminded a dejected prophet, there are considerable numbers of people that He has preserved who have not bowed down to false God (1 Kings 19:18)

Perhaps you feel alone in the battle today. Is no one else passionate for God's truth and righteousness? Does no one else care in this age of non-absolutes? Am I alone as God's truth is diminished to a mere flickering flame amidst the pervading darkness of a wicked world?

Gideon's three-hundred-man army is our encouragement. The small army we war with is not cause for discouragement, but rather a reminder that God is our deliverer, and not we ourselves. God specializes in showing His might through few rather than many. Rejoice in the privilege of being part of His small army, so that He might display His strength through you.


© 2011, Steve Taylor


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