Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Undercover agents have long been a part of international cat-and-mouse spy tactics. The true national allegiance of some spies is so well hidden that even those working closest to them don't know their true loyalty.

Sometimes as Christians we live so covertly that our true identity is hidden as well. We participate in the "silent witness program" to the detriment of an effective witness. The motto, "actions speak louder than words", becomes the mandate to refrain from verbal witness.

"Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven" Matthew 10:32-33 NASB)

We've probably all encountered overzealous "Bible thumpers" who take every opportunity to laud their faith. Their example may be our rationale for a less-assertive verbal witness, but it's much too easy to overreact and witness by lifestyle only. Granted, a burden is placed upon lifestyle by being an active verbal witness, but both should harmoniously comprise our witness.
I've never been one to easily "cold call" and initiate a spiritual conversation, although I've found myself in that role numerous times over the past thirty plus years. I've had better success through prayerfully seeking opportunities with people I've been burdened for. In such instances, these people often took the lead and were eager and open to my verbal witness. My witness, in those circumstances could be compared to Proverbs 25:11 - "Like apples of gold in settings of silver Is a word spoken in right circumstances".

There is wisdom in being careful with verbal witness, but sometimes caution is clearly cowardice. Risk of popularity or opposition overrides potential life-changing conversations. Delays easily become denials.

According to Matthew 10:32-33, our conversations with others about Christ have a direct bearing on His conversations with the Father about us. That provides powerful incentive to consider our words and our ways.

I've never found verbal witness to be terribly gratifying or effective when guilt has been my motivation, but when love guides (Matthew 22:37-40) it is a great privilege. Gratitude for grace translates into opportunities to share grace.

In these days of confusion and disillusion, opportunities for a timely and effective witness abound. "Soil preparation" (Matthew 13) through prayer can yield great opportunities to sow the seed in the hearts and lives of unbelievers.
May a burden and compassion for the lost lead us to life-changing conversations today.


© 2010, Steve Taylor


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