Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Light shines brightest against the darkest backdrop. One of the brightest promises of the Bible is written against the darkest backdrop; so much so that the backdrop is called Lamentations.

"This I recall to my mind, Therefore I have hope. The LORD'S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness" (Lamentations 3:21 NASB).

Out of the depths of despair while in captivity in a foreign land, the prophet Jeremiah saw the sunlight of God's promises to His people shining through the dark clouds of their suffering and defeat. No matter how dark and dire present circumstances seemed, God's lovingkindness and compassions were constant. Each day brought the freshness of His faithfulness.

No one would mistake the times we live in for the brightest in human history. Economic uncertainty, military conflict, and international tension contribute to an age of anxiety and pessimism. Whether the dark clouds before us are gathering or dispersing is anyone's guess, but the fact that they are there are descriptive of our times.

So, have God's promises ever shined brighter in our modern age than they shine now? Remembering His presence and blessings in the past establishes the precedent for hope and optimism today. There are no circumstances so dire and extreme that our Father would withdraw His loingkindness and compassion.

If God is faithful, then we can be no less. Whatever securities are threatened in this ominous age, our ultimate security and provision is not the least bit affected. The Helper, the Spirit of truth (John 14:16-17), remains with us as a constant companion, enabling our growth, learning, and service. The opportunity for the salvation of lost lives has never been greater in modern times. and so faithfulness to the mission, as we are empowered by the Spirit, is an urgent priority.

In an age when our society and world are reaping the results of unfaithfulness, we are privileged to hold out the bright light of God's faithfulness through His Son, our Lord Jesus. The brightest message of all - "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel" (Mark 1:15) - shines especially bright as we hold it out against the backdrop of our dark times. Those who would not see it amidst the bright times of prosperity and ease are especially eager to see it in these times.

These may very well be times of "lamenting" in your own life just now. Dark clouds of economic uncertainty, health concerns, or family crisis may be gathering. But the God Who was present during the sunny days is still present during the dark days. His lovingkiness and compassion are a constant.

May you today be encouraged, and encourage others, with Jeremiah's bright words of hope.


© 2010, Steve Taylor


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