Monday, January 11, 2010

It's not about aging; it's about faithfulness. The passing of days and seasons shouldn't be viewed so much as benchmarks of aging, but rather as reminders that God is faithful.

"While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, And cold and heat, And summer and winter, And day and night Shall not cease." (Genesis 8:22)

Following the cataclysm of the great flood in Noah's day, God declared that He would never again destroy life in this way. In spite of His awareness that "the intent of man's heart is evil from his youth" (Genesis 8:21), He established the promise of the perpetuity of days and seasons in this age.

Life is seasonal in a variety of ways. There are seasons of ease and prosperity, as well as seasons of adversity and poverty. Yet amidst these seasons, God continues to remain faithful.

The faithful God Who has established the varieties of days and seasons desires our faithfulness amidst these changing times. Faithfulness in good times and unfaithfulness in difficult times is not faithfulness at all. As Job said, "Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?" (Job 2:10).

Not all who read these words are experiencing the same season of life. Some are literally experiencing winter at the same time others are in the season of summer. And there are those who are experiencing these seasonal opposites emotionally and spiritually as well. But this much is certain: the seasons will change, and God will continue to remain faithful.

I write these words at the beginning of a new day, ripe with potential and possibilities. I anticipate blessings and progress, but I have lived long enough to know how uncertain life is. Unthinkable tragedy can just as easily be part of this day as are the familiar routines that I anticipate. God is there regardless, and on that I stake my faith and hope.

The variety of seasons remain in this age, but a brand new season is coming. It will be a season unlike any before; a season of perpetual day, with no need for sun or moon (Revelation 22:23,25). This age to come will be the culmination of all God's faithfulness, and it will be a time well worth being faithful for today.

Partner with the Faithful One in this day and season as you anticipate the Ultimate Season.



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