Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Purpose gives perspective. The reason for something opens the door for an "aha!" moment of understanding. If we know the WHY then the details of the WHAT will not be a problem.

"I am writing these things to you, hoping to come to you before long; but in case I am delayed, I write so that you will know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth." (1 Timothy 3:14-15)

The Apostle Paul wrote to a young man named Timothy who was faced with the challenges of serving as a pastor. Paul specifically addresses the issues and challenges that pastors and churches face: false teachings, the priority of prayer, proper conduct, and leadership qualities - to name a few. But he frames the importance of all these issues in his great purpose statement in 3:14-15. We need to know how to live our lives within the family of God and to understand the purpose of the church.

Most families have a coat of arms - a symbol of a family's origin and background, such as their original trade. The coat of arms serves to reinforce a family's identity.

We belong to the household, or family, of God. Our coat of arms is the church of the living God and its great purpose is to be the pillar and support of the truth. Our deepest and most meaningful connection to one another revolves around this great purpose. When we, as individual members, draw close to this vital purpose we also draw close to one another. There is nothing more powerful and unifying than a strong common cause and purpose.

The exciting purpose that rallies God's people is to know, defend, and demonstrate truth. The adventure of faith through a living relationship with our Creator Father and His Son, Jesus the Christ, and living the lifestyle of the coming kingdom today is our focal point. Dynamic energy and zestful living result when we are constantly reminded of our great purpose.

May the Lord's great purpose for us - individually and collectively - be sharply in focus today and provide the vital energy that will be personally rejuvenating as well as attractive to others.

Pastor Steve


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