Wednesday, September 25, 2013

September 25, 2013

Few things are more troubling than the schemes of the wicked. Who hasn't wondered how much good could be done if evil energies and plans were channeled toward doing good?

"Do not fret because of evildoers Or be envious of the wicked; For there will be no future for the evil man; The lamp of the wicked will be put out." (Proverbs 24.19-20)

Since this life is the only reality we truly know, it is hard to frame it against the big picture of eternity. The wicked prosper and often succeed, but their gains and accomplishments are temporary at best. As such, it's imperative that we resist the temptation to fret and be envious because of them. Whatever harm they can do is not the ultimate outcome, and whatever they get away with will not last. 

We live in an instant gratification age, and an eternal perspective is challenging to say the least. Forgoing revenge, envy, and fretting does not come easily. But, the proper response to evil is not simply to endure it, but to actively seek to overcome it with good (Romans 12.21 "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."). Our reaction to the pervading influence of evil is to proactively do that which is good.

I've lately wondered what active good, in the face of evil, really looks like. It's easy enough for Christian communities to consider that getting people to attend services and programs accomplishes that goal. But, perhaps it's seeking out needs in our neighborhoods, and proactively bringing resources and energy to bear right where the needs, and the needy, are. Maybe it's a more aggressive "go" mentality, and less of a "come here" mentality. 

The problem of evil will alway be prevalent in this age. The challenge, in light of that problem, is to see how brightly goodness can shine forth from God's people. May we be bright beacons of goodness today - and always - against the backdrop of evil in today's world.


©Steve Taylor, 2013
Be sure to also visit http://thetruthrevolution.wordpress.com/  


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