Wednesday, July 03, 2013

today's devotional

Heart health. We think of it in terms of diet and exercise. But, there is so much more to it than the health of an organ that faithfully pumps blood. Biblically, "heart" comes from a Greek word, "kardia", which refers to the seat and center of life. It is the very essence of our life energy. We often refer to it as "passion" - the energy for particular causes and work.  A "heart" for something is observable. We can distinguish between an athlete or musician who puts their "heart" into it, versus those who simply go through the motions. "Heart" is the drive and passion that supersedes mere technique.

Proverbs 4:23 says, "Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life."

At the core of our being - our heart - is life energy that flows like an endless stream. It's like a garden hose that cannot be turned off; the best we can do is choose where to direct the water flow. So, our heart - with its boundless energy - must be wisely directed. And therein is the rub: many people pour their passion into futile and worthless pursuits, and realize such much too late.

Top of the "passion list" are the two great priorities highlighted by Jesus: wholehearted love for Yahweh God, and for one's neighbor (Mark 12:28-31). These great commandments are the safeguard of our heart. When we direct our heart and passion where they rightly belong, life simply works better.

Knowing that we each have life energy - passion - it is a fair question to ask: What and where is your passion? Recreation? Reading? Writing? The outdoors? Community service? Your job? Your family? The things of the LORD? These are vital questions, because it is not a matter of IF, but WHERE, in terms of passion. We all love something.

Guarding our heart is doubly difficult because it is also adept at deception (Jeremiah 17:9). If we aren't careful, we can easily be deceived by it. Misguided passion may wear camouflage clothing, and appear to be something it is not.

I want my passion to be for the One true God. And for His Son. And for the work and message of the kingdom of God. But, I know that I don't know what I need to know about my heart, and it's convincing ability to pull the wool over my eyes as to its intent. 

One song writer summarizes the need very well: "Guard your heart, Don't trade it for treasure, Don't give it away. Guard your heart, As a payment for pleasure, It's a high price to pay. For a soul that remains sincere, With a conscience clear, Guard your heart" ("Guard Your Heart", by Scott Kokaska)

©Steve Taylor, 2013
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