Thursday, January 03, 2013

Amidst all our sophistication and achievements, it's easy to forget our basic nature. We're animated dirt; a few pounds of earthy elements, empowered to inhale and exhale air. 

"Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being." (Genesis 2.7)

Humble as our beginnings are, there is a significant fact not to be overlooked: God took hands and personally formed our first parents. All the rest of creation came into being by His spoken word (Psalm 33.6), but man alone was personally fashioned by God's own hands. Not that it had to be that way: God surely could have spoken, and Adam would have instantly appeared. This fact of God's personal creation says something of our value.

There is another important, simple truth in Genesis 2.7. It can be expressed in a simple mathematical-type formula: dust of the ground plus breath of life equal living soul. As with any math formula, take away part of the equation and it is no longer an equation. As such, take away the breath from the body and it not longer equals a living being, or soul. "You take away their spirit, they expire And return to their dust." (Psalm 104.29)

Life is fragile and finite, and every moment is to be savored. We once were not, and we one day will no longer be. In every sense of the word, we will cease to exist. We do not contain a soul that will spring off to a higher level of existence when we die. We do not HAVE a soul; we ARE one so long as this earthy body draws breath. 

This moment counts for more than you and I likely realize. We desperately need a solution to our own mortality, as do all around us who draw breath today. That solution is found in the One whom "God raised ... up again, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power." (Acts 2.24) This resurrected Christ is "the first fruits" (1 Corinthians 15.23): the first of many; the beginning of a great harvest to follow. Through faith in Him, and a dedicated life of discipleship, we have the hope of resurrection and the final solution to our own mortality.

We really are just animated dirt, in the most basic sense. But, God has destined us in Christ to be glorified and resurrected, and to be made like Him when He appears. So, let your ultimate destiny be your motivation and hope today. Don't indulge your earthy nature, but live according to the spiritual nature of your ultimate destiny. And, use today's precious moments to influence others for the destiny that can be theirs as well.

©Steve Taylor, 2013


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