Monday, June 07, 2010

The situation was desperate, and the outcome seemed certain. The local militia was no match for the large, well-trained and well-equipped army aligned against them. The only way this lopsided military contest was to be won was with the worship team. Say what? Sound like utter nonsense? It would be, if it weren't true.

This unlikely and unorthodox military campaign, recorded in 2 Chronicles twenty, begins with an ominous report:

"Then some came and reported to Jehoshaphat, saying, "A great multitude is coming against you from beyond the sea, out of Aram and behold, they are in Hazazon-tamar (that is Engedi)" (2 Chronicles 20:2)

The reaction of the king to this report hints at the unlikely outcome:

"Jehoshaphat was afraid and turned his attention to seek the LORD, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah" (2 Chronicles 20:3).

Desperate times call for desperate measures. When the chips are down, turn to the only One who can save.

The following verses (vss.5-12) record a heartfelt and sincere prayer by King Jehoshaphat on behalf of the people of Judah. It is a prayer worth carefully noting and praying in your next desperate hour.

This prayer quickly yields an answer through an individual in whom God's Spirit has mightily come upon. it is an answer that should be rich encouragement to each of us amidst the worst battles and crises we face:

"thus says the LORD to you, "Do not fear or be dismayed ... for the battle is not yours but God's ... stand and see the salvation of the LORD ... for the LORD is with you".(2 Chronicles 20:15-17 - selected)

Note these encouraging words well, because they are for us in our battles as well as God's people in this battle so long ago. When foreclosure in imminent, or divorce seems certain, or the job layoff appears unavoidable, this is the time to face down fear, and surrender the battle to the One to whom it truly belongs, and to stand strong and see His deliverance. And deliverance comes in unlikely ways: "When they began singing and praising, the LORD set ambushes" (2 Chronicles 20:22).

Circumstances are never so dire that we should forsake praise. In fact, in our most desperate hour praise should ring loudest. Paul and Silas shared in a midnight prison praise service just before a miraculous jail break (Acts 16:25). Praise is powerful in more ways than we can begin to image.

"Do not fear or be dismayed ... for the battle is not yours but God's ... stand and see the salvation of the LORD ... for the LORD is with you". Face down your battles today with these encouraging words.



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